Nutrition Coaching

Allen Hamlette holding a big ass salad!

Having a healthy relationship with food will support your fitness goals during training. I won't restrict what you eat; instead, I'll help you make a focused effort to fine tune your diet. Eat the food! Except Chitlins. Don't that $#!T. Contact HAMLETTE FITNESS for delicious nutrition tips that won't sabotage your fitness progress!

Grocery Shopping

Have you ever had a grocery store tour? Do you know the perimeter has the healthiest stuff? Let's discuss the layout, identify food options, and make a delicious list to power your day.

Meal Preparation

Food preparation isn't for everyone... but you can do it! I'll arm you with quick, tasty, healthy meals that help fuel your fitness goals. Get good food and great taste in short time!

Meal Planning

It's hard to hit goals without a plan. Let HAMLETTE FITNESS help you stay on track with nutrition goals, and take the guess work out of meals! Let's make a plan!

Hamlette Fitness Logo

Nutrition Coaching Fees**










**Travel Fee: $10 per extra 15 minutes (flat rate) after the first 20 minutes

Nutrition is important to your health and wellness routine. Let HAMLETTE FITNESS help you build a better relationship with food! I'll show you how to hit your goals without missing your favorite eats!


Choose a dish for more details and see what's on the menu!

Learn more about training with HAMLETTE FITNESS